How do you overcome adversity?
No matter your age, profession, marital status, health profile, or income, you will face it. It’s inescapable and ubiquitous. That’s right, it’s adversity. It comes in every imaginable form, sometimes chronically, sometimes so suddenly it rocks you into a new dimension, one with which you have no experience or familiarity. From deadlines to divorce, bullying to bankruptcy, foreclosure to family tragedy, it’s part of being human. Our work and personal lives are rife with it.
So how do we face adversity, climb the mountain of challenges to overcome, succeed, and thrive? I know, you don’t want mystical answers. You want to cut the crap and figure your way out of whatever mess you’re in. You need a road map. You need direction. You need tools.
Well, Mick Kronman is here to help. Through a life filled with immense challenges, Mick has learned what it takes to face down and overcome the unthinkable. Now, he shares these lessons so you can, too. No mysticism, no hocus-pocus, just solid, “how to,” step-by-step strategies for addressing any and all forms of adversity. Think of it this way: A YouTube video on how to change your brake pads. Now, change the break-pad comparison to adversity and you’ve got the idea!
This is a speaker you want to hear, and you will come away with tools that carry a lifetime guarantee.